With the warmer weather teasing us lately, I’m willing to guess Spring is on your mind too. I can really sense it’s coming – actually it’s kinda here on the East Coast – then it’s not. But there is definitely a promise of brighter skies. I hope you’re ready for some sunshine.
There are no rules for transitioning, but personally, I’m craving crisper clothes and color; colors that are bold and muted and bright. The colors of summer. Enough of the NYC black. It’s bittersweet, but black goes to the back of the closet (for now). After being cooped up all winter, I want to be outside; this means reading outside too. I’m not a modest reader, I read a lot and I read everywhere. And happily, I’ll soon be heading to Central Park with book in hand.
Nowadays however, it’s all about taking pictures. Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are obsessively popular, so this may seem outdated, but I still like reading best. I read because it both calms and stimulates my mind, and I always have a book with me. Seriously, I don’t feel pulled together and ready to dash out the door without one.
Which brings me to my latest reading finds. They’re going to be unmistakably good. They are going to make you think, and they’re going to be hard to put down, so keep scrolling.
Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.~ Fernando Pessoa
Next Year In Havana by Chanel Cleeton
My Thoughts: This book promises to be a fabulous combination of history and family saga. Cuba has also been in the news recently, and ever since I caught a glimpse of their streets filled with old automobiles, my interest has been piqued and I’ve wanted to know more about this country. (Click here for more on this book)
Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson
My Thoughts: This is one of those books that Google thought I would like. It popped up in my feed and when I read the jacket and a few reviews I knew it belonged on my TBR list. I love thrillers, and I also love flawed characters, twisty plots and killer endings. This one has all three! (Click here for more on this book)
The Island Of Sea Women by Lisa See
My Thoughts: I think I have read every one of this author’s books. She chooses fascinating topics and interesting places rich in culture and tradition to write about. I love reading about strong women and this is a story about female divers on a small island, who do dangerous and difficult work. (Click here for more on this book)
One Day In December by Josie Silver
My Thoughts: A good romance warms the soul, and deep down, who doesn’t want to believe in serendipity and love at first sight? Books like this tug at your heart. You can’t help but wonder, can a single chance encounter really change your life? (Click here for more on this book)
The Huntress by Kate Quinn
My Thoughts:I was drawn to this book as soon as I realized it’s based on actual events; Night Witches, Russian women who flew planes during WWII bombing the Nazis. Two women, a bomber pilot, and a war reporter band together to track down “The Huntress”, a Nazi war criminal. Kate Quinn also wrote THE ALICE NETWORK, which I really enjoyed. (Click here for more on this book)
Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli
My Thoughts:Nowadays it’s hard to turn on the TV or open a newspaper without some reference to refugees. This is an epic story about migrants, especially children, trying to cross the Mexico/ US border and will definitely make you think about our current policies. (Click here for more on this book)
Click Here For More On All These Books
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