Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way – The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I read Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding UpIf you’re not familiar with the book it’s a method of organizing and it’s very specific.

So I figured it’s January, and I’ve made several resolutions to organize my life, so the timing was perfect.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
Here’s the before picture of my bookshelf.

I decided to start with something small, but significant, something I value . . . My bookshelf.

You see the bookshelf as soon as you walk through my front door, so it’s been on my radar to reorganize for a while. Shamefully, it’s become my catch-all.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
As you can see, my shelves are cluttered with a lot of stuff. I found earrings, keys, notes and more!

I went back and reviewed the chapter on organizing books and followed Kondo’s  instructions.

I’m going to tell you straight up; it was incredible! My bookshelf now speaks to me.  I can’t wait for someone to ask to borrow a book or just scan my shelves.

Let me start from the beginning . . .

Marie says it’s all about sparking joy. If you hold a book and it doesn’t do that for you, toss it to donate pile.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
Emptying the bookshelf was the worst part of the project.

She claims you need to empty the bookshelf and put all the books on the floor. I didn’t want to do this, but according to Kondo, it’s harder to part with a book when it’s on the shelf.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
As instructed, I put them all the books on the floor!

Once the bookshelf was empty, I’m embarrassed to say it was very dusty and in need of a good cleaning. I dusted, fixed the lights and adjusted some of the shelving.  At this point, I’m feeling good.  I’m feeling free.

“For Books, timing is everything.  The moment you first encounter a particular book is the right time to read it.”

~ Marie Kondo ~

Now it was time to sort, keeping only books you love on your shelf. Books you would put in your personal hall of fame or ones that inspired pleasure.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
Now I need to find a home for all the books I want to donate.

As I sorted my books, I realized I had already given many of my favorites away. I mainly read on a Kindle, so it seemed like a lot of the books were easy to discard.  I’m not sure why I had some of them on my shelf, yet I didn’t want to part with them.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
We love going to Springsteen Concerts as a family, so the book had to be front and center. Next to it is another piece of pottery my daughter made.

So here we go! I divided my books into categories.

The first was Beach Reads. I like to have books in my house in case someone needs a good book to read while visiting. I live at the Jersey Shore, so many times my guests need a book to take to the beach.  It’s an important category for me.  I feel it’s part of being a good host.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
Books my Dad gave me that I can’t part with. Definitely my personal hall of fame.

The list continued with Mystery/Thriller which I geared toward the male reader. I wanted a Book Club section, a spiritual section, books my Dad gave me and finally reference.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
My Spiritual Section is now more accessible.
Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
My go-to reference books with the dish my daughter made in her pottery class.

I believe you can tell a lot about a person from the books in their library. So here’s a close-up of mine.

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
A picture of my daughters when they were young. They are truly my blessings.

Give it a try! It only took a couple of hours. I wanted my bookshelf to serve a purpose. To tell my story and pass on my love of reading on to others.  What do you think?

Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way -The Life-Changing Magic of Tiding Up
My reorganized bookshelf! I love looking at the pictures and sentimental items as I walk by.

Happy reading,


Organizing Books The Marie Kondo Way

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