Like most people, I have particular ways to relax and ease out the stress. I’ve watched friends in bars doing shots, dancing with their hands in the air and barely making it home before sunrise, and I think to myself, this is just not me.
For a while, I indulged in a lot of spa treatments – facials, masks, scrubs and my favorite – body massages. I worked crazy hours, I was stressed, and I didn’t sleep well, which blitzed the life out of me, and this was my payback.
Now, however, I do things differently. This is not to say I have any regrets – I still love the occasional pampering, but for the past few years, when I’m not adventurous to stave off the bad, it may sound odd, but I take comfort and inspiration from quotes.
Once you start reading them, you realize they are from the heart and about the things that matter. They are simple enough, just words strung together, but a quote has the power to calm, motivate and inspire. Below, I have curated a few of my favorites.
What do I think?
If you sit still, you will go nowhere, this is true even if you are headed in the right direction. Others may even pass you by.
What do I think?
Sometimes the temptation is too great and it’s impossible to not get distracted by every shiny new toy that comes along. I like this concept and think it is one of the more powerful quotes. Passion!
What do I think?
Resilience is the cornerstone of success.
What do I think?
Sadly, with the structure of today’s society, many learn this lesson late in life or never. But it’s an awesome concept. Doing what you love and allowing yourself the freedom to strive for your own personal happiness and not getting locked into someone else’s definition of success.
What do I think?
It’s true, the more successful you become, the more criticism you’ll experience. It’s not fair and it’s difficult, but embrace and learn from your critics.
What do I think?
I like that this is a very humorous way to say something valuable. That is, meaningful and important things in life require continuous effort. Let the concept percolate a little, and it will be hard to get out of your head.
What do I think?
Such a simple concept that can apply to every part of your life. If you want to excel at something – do it often – do it until it’s second nature. In other words, practice, then practice some more.
What do I think?
I have tried hard to live this. It’s easy to forget that life is not just the big celebratory moments – it is happening every minute of every day. You must be present for the small everyday things in someone’s life or the big momentous occasions will hold no meaning.
What do I think?
Sometimes it hard to chase away fear, take a chance, and go for the brass ring.
What do I think?
Be happy. Don’t worry
What do I think?
I’m pretty sure most everyone can relate to this one. Don’t come to the end of your life and regret the things you didn’t do.
What do I think?
The more you think about this one, the more its meaning changes. To me, it says believe in yourself, do not let the opinion of others tear you down. It’s also another saying that’s easy to visualize, and eggs are such a basic commodity, that chances are this saying will be popping into your head at odd moments.
What do I think?
Oh, does this one resonates with me. First dream, then work hard and realize your dream. The alternative, as the quote says is to build another person’s dream. I’ve given this one some serious thought. I think I may have been working on the wrong dream for a big portion of my life.
What do I think?
I love this one. Instead of idle gossip or talking about events – talk about how to change or make something better. Surely not as easy as it sounds, but well worth the effort.
What do I think?
As a society, we struggle with this one. Why do we judge and squeeze all to conform to our single-minded expectations? Why do we not allow a person to define and create their definition of self?
What do I think?
A Taliban gunman shot Malala in the face on her way home from school because she believed in education for females. This remarkable young woman gave her voice and came very close to giving her life to this cause. She is now known as the Girl Who Stood Up for Education.
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Stay happy,