An Engagement Gift Basket is the perfect way to celebrate a new couple. In case you haven’t guessed, we’re all about weddings over here because my daughter recently got engaged!
To put it mildly, we’re thrilled. They’re the perfect pair, and we’re so lucky to be adding a new member of our family. I know I speak for everyone when I say we couldn’t be happier. So here we go, we’re making Pinterest boards, spreadsheets, to do lists, you name it. We’re having a party!
Of course, with every celebration in our house, we somehow manage to give a book or two. I knew they were getting engaged, so I’ve been doing some research on the best wedding planning books. I decided The Knot was the one. It’s a big binder and has lots of room to write notes and keep track of things. It’s just what she needs.
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
~Maya Angelou~
To begin, I stopped at the dollar store and picked up some supplies for decorating a basket I already had on hand.
Next, I added a few small presents for the bride and groom.
I picked up some candies I knew they both liked and then added another book I thought would be appropriate for the occasion, The Five Languages of Love by Gary Chapman! And of course a candle. Every occasion calls for a candle.